Robotics, Business Forecasting and Modeling and Corporate Problem Solving – New courses at the Information Technology School (ITS)

The modern age has placed a serious challenge before education – to prepare young people for what awaits them in a world of continuous change and progress. The IT industry is developing rapidly and is becoming integrated into all aspects of business, regardless of the industry in question. This is why the Information Technology School – ITS, keeping up with the latest trends, enriches its curriculum with new courses every year so as to provide students with useful knowledge applicable in real business challenges.
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A new step in the international education of students aged 5 – 19: The International School receives Cambridge Primary accreditation

The International School, LINKgroup’s international Cambridge secondary school, has received new recognition for their approach to teaching and work with students. Thanks to its cutting-edge educational resources and technology, and highly competent teaching staff, the school has expanded its educational activities to the youngest students, thus becoming a Cambridge Primary International School.
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A NEW ERA IN EDUCATION IS UPON US: LINKgroup institutions and Erasmus+ initiate 8 international projects

In the domestic and regional education systems, LINK edu Alliance institutions are distinguished as truly different, Future Ready institutions that apply innovative teaching approaches aimed at developing and strengthening the most important competences in the 21st century, while preparing current generations for the challenges of modern society.
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How to be ten (or thirty) years ahead of your time

The OECD standards, tailored according to a projection of the future, have been applied by the LINK edu Alliance in its institutions since LINKgroup’s foundation in 1998. Having stayed true to these standards, the Alliance will strive to enhance them and move at least one step beyond the destination at which education, according to the instructions of globally renowned economists and analysts, should arrive in the following decade. The LINK edu Alliance illustrated this intention in the recently adopted education strategy.
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