Robotics, Business Forecasting and Modeling and Corporate Problem Solving – New courses at the Information Technology School (ITS)

The modern age has placed a serious challenge before education – to prepare young people for what awaits them in a world of continuous change and progress. The IT industry is developing rapidly and is becoming integrated into all aspects of business, regardless of the industry in question. This is why the Information Technology School – ITS, keeping up with the latest trends, enriches its curriculum with new courses every year so as to provide students with useful knowledge applicable in real business challenges.
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Online teaching and projects at LINK institutions

Practical work and real projects are a part of everyday activities for students of the Information Technology High School – ITHS and their colleagues at the Information Technology School – ITS, even in these extraordinary circumstances. At all LINK institutions, instruction has been unobstructed owing to the Distance Learning Platform, while the Project Center, where the students work on practical tasks, has also switched to the online world.
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Another successful edition of the Winter School of Programming and Design – coDEsign2020

The Winter School of Programming and Design – coDEsign2020 took place from February 3 through 9 and welcomed more than a thousand elementary and high school students. Once again, the classrooms and conference halls were full of curious students.
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