LINK Learning Foundation

Our mission is to help people to become more successful, fulfil their dreams and build a business career they covet. We have, therefore, created this unique foundation to enable those who wish to develop through modern and top-quality education programmes and fulfil their dreams and goals.
We help numerous young talents who wish to develop themselves, people who find financial difficulties the sole obstacle preventing them from independently making a living and securing a safe future, disabled people who will obtain exquisite knowledge enabling them to become equal members of our society, as well as those who truly wish to enhance their talents and achieve the success they deserve.
Each year, the LINK Learning Foundation provides more than 100 students with education support within the large LINK Educational Alliance group of schools.


Permanently available financial support programmes for future secondary school and other students

A state-of-the-art Cambridge secondary school in Serbia helps you become a part of the elite distinguished by knowledge

The most modern Cambridge secondary school in Serbia, where we create an elite of truly talented, educated and diligent young people, intellectuals and future leaders distinguished by top-quality education, hard work and aspiration, each year provides financial support to the best students.
We have designed six different support programmes for eighth-grade students, for students already attending Savremena, who have achieved accomplishments in various fields (science, sports or art), as well as for those who work hard to develop themselves and achieve notable results.

Visit Savremena’s website to learn more »

Study benefits at ITS for recipients of the Vuk Karadžić diploma

The Information Technology School (ITS) enables recipients of the Vuk Karadžić diploma – the best of the best – to receive a tuition fee decrease of up to 60%. For future top-notch engineers, this takes away much of the worry with regard to the funding of their education, enabling them to fully focus on their most important task – studying and creating in the best possible environment, using the best possible equipment, with the best possible colleagues.
Candidates with a 5.00 average in all four secondary school grades who have completed the 4th grade at secondary school in the year of applying for ITS, shall be eligible for the financial support programme.

Visit the ITS website to learn more »

Faculty of Contemporary Arts supports future successful artists

We have not overlooked the young people who see their future in the world of the arts. Faculty of Contemporary Arts provides an ongoing competition for all those who have a noteworthy portfolio, or believe their ideas are yet to win the hearts of art enthusiasts. The vacancy is available to all those who have experience in organising exhibitions, have received prizes in the fields of design, art, acting or production, have had notable roles in theatre or on film, have participated in creating important film/theatre/TV features, etc.
All of them are eligible for a 10% to 100% fee reduction for the first year of undergraduate studies, and the discounts are allocated in accordance with the available vacancies at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts.

Visit Faculty of Contemporary Arts website to learn more »

ITHS helps successful, talented and ambitious students to set the best foundation for success in the IT industry

The Information Technology High School (ITHS) supports successful, talented and ambitious students and offers financial support to those who display excellent results in various fields.
All talented and successful students, recipients of the Vuk diploma, as well as great athletes, may apply for one of the 6 support programmes provided by ITHS, thus acquiring a 20% to 100% tuition fee reduction. The application is provided to students who have achieved great results in various scientific and sporting disciplines, who are constantly striving for perfection and excellent accomplishments.

Visit the ITHS website to learn more »


Free education for persons with disabilities

Each year, LINK group provides free education for disabled people who wish to study at ITAcademy, BusinessAcademy and InternetAcademy in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Romania.
The recipients have direct access to practical skills and knowledge, thus becoming competitive on the labour market in the profession of their choice. Free scholarships for disabled people amounting to €40,000 are awarded regularly, each year.
The recipients are selected through a competition, and in 2016/2017, one scholarship was reserved for a Paralympian chosen by the Olympic Committee of Serbia.


Support that changed the lives of many

We are well-aware of the fact that there are many talented individuals among us who are prevented from developing themselves due to financial reasons; who are motivated and want to make a change in their lives, but do not have the means to do so. Therefore, we strive to make education at our institutions available to them.
So, in cooperation with B92, LINK group awarded two free scholarships for ITAcademy and BusinessAcademy for the 2015/2016 school year, having selected two out of several hundred candidates who had sent their applications and excellent motivational letters.
In 2016, ITAcademy and Infostud organized a campaign in which all those interested in IT professions had a chance to win a free one-year education programme at ITAcademy. Among several hundred participants motivated by various reasons, the ITAcademy scholarship went to IT engineer Boris Bojat from Novi Sad, on account of his great aspiration to enhance his IT skills. 

At the Job Fair in Sarajevo, we awarded two scholarships to talented visitors who had written the best motivational letter. Nađa Zubčević became a BusinessAcademy student at the Entrepreneurship department, while Dženan Ganović chose the Programming department at ITAcademy.
We have also helped the youngest, by providing a scholarship for a one-year education programme at ITAcademy for the children at the Centre for the Protection of Infants, Children and Youth in Belgrade. The valuable prizes were awarded as part of an interesting competition in which the participants wrote essays on the following topic: Internet in children’s shelters – a chance for a better future.
In 2016, the Information Technology School (ITS) provided a scholarship for Nenad Pavlović, a boy fighting a rare disease, who had publicly declared his wish to one day become a student at ITS. Two years before, a scholarship was given to Alen Mustafić, a boy with a hyperkinetic disorder and developmental disabilities with elements of autism, who thought he would never be able to study.
We have also shown that there are no obstacles to education in the case of Boško Marković. ITHS students and teachers met this boy during a charity workshop at the Drop-In Centre, where they acknowledged his love for computers and decided to provide him with a scholarship that would enable him to have a well-deserved education. The Information Technology High School (ITHS) helped him continue his education, and he promised to honour the trust placed in him.
However, this is just the beginning - many similar stories are yet to come.




ITAcademy to award 40 free education programs to top high school students from Serbia and Republic of Srpska

HRH Crown Prince Alexander and his Foundation for Education and Culture gave a traditional formal reception for over 500 exquisite high school graduates from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. Each year, the Foundation awards a special commendation and an appropriate gift to students in recognition of their outstanding achievements during high school.

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LINKgroup awards free training programs to persons with disabilities

At a modest ceremony that took place at the premises of ITAcademy, BusinessAcademy and InternetAcademy at Belgrade Palace, which adhered to all coronavirus protection measures, free training programs were awarded to this year’s winners of the competition for persons with disabilities.
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IT training for the most successful students: the best graduates receive year-long training at ITAcademy for the third consecutive year

LINKgroup continues to reward the best and most successful graduates. This year, in cooperation with HRH Crown Prince Alexander’s Foundation for Education and Culture, 30 one-year training programs at ITAcadamy are given to the best students in Serbia and Republika Srpska.
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ITAcademy and royal foundation reward top high school students: 30 free education programs for future IT experts

In cooperation with HRH Crown Prince Alexander Foundation for Education and Culture, LINK group has selected 30 high school graduates among the best students of their generation from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska who will receive free ITAcademy education.
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Twenty free training programs awarded to persons with disabilities at official ceremony at City Assembly

LINK group has continued to organize projects with a socially responsible emphasis. For almost ten consecutive years, through the LINK LEARNING FOUNDATION program, and in cooperation with the City of Belgrade, 20 persons with disabilities receive free training programs at our educational institutions – ITAcademy (LINK Academy in Romania), BusinessAcademy and InternetAcademy.
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